Subscription Economy, Customer Onboarding and SaaS 2.0

In this week’s roundup learn about what the rise of subscription economy means, a deeper look at your landing pages’ needs, evaluating your onboarding, and the future of SaaS innovation

The Rise of the Subscription Economy & What it Means to Your Bottom Line


The days of RFPs and selecting a vendor on product alone are long gone for businesses of all industries. Forbes released an article last January on the rise of the subscription economy and its effects on the traditional business model. The article described the subscription economy as “a phrase, coined by Zuora, describing the new business landscape in which traditional pay-per-product (or service) companies are moving toward subscription-based business models.”

This article by Zylo CEO, Eric Christopher, explores two factors that play into the role of SaaS that have changed the way executives view the bottom line impact: the focus on lasting relationships and the race for value, KPIs, and ROI. The bottom line is

The Rise of the Subscription Economy & What it Means to Your Bottom Line — Zylo — Medium 2016-08-10 22-16-42



Does Your Landing Page Target Prospects but Forget Customers?


There is so much focus on acquiring new customers that it is not uncommon to forget your website needs to speak to your current customers as well. In fact, they are the ones you have already made the initial sale with and now you need to please and continue to keep happy. Have you ever considered what your landing page would look like if it were speaking only to your customers? This article looks at Trello as a role model example of a SaaS tool who speaks to the customers as much as, if not more than, the leads. [Read more here.]

Does Your Landing Page Target Prospects but Forget Customers?




Keys To Effective B2B SaaS Customer Onboarding


Customer acquisition isn’t the only thing that has an art to success; successful customer onboarding is the same way. Without the well-executed onboarding process your company is likely to experience a high rate of early churn. This article first defines what an onboarded customer looks like in your company and then dives into the tactics for effective onboarding.

“Customer onboarding is the experience a user has when first signing up and using your product. You want to measure onboarding success when a user reaches a certain amount of value that you must determine – it’s different for every SaaS company.” [Read more here.]

Keys To Effective B2B SaaS Customer Onboarding




HR 2.0 is the poster child for the next wave of SaaS innovation


SaaS domination in the workforce is pretty obvious at this point. Companies and entrepreneurs are bringing previously offline services online and moving on-premise software online. It has taken over multiple segments opening the doors for innovation. So it should come as no surprise that the innovators are moving on to a second round of SaaS, SaaS 2.0, and diving into segments already ‘SaaSisified’. HR seems to be the first segment seeing version 2.0 and this article explores the multiple dynamics playing a part in the next wave of SaaS innovation.

“We believe HR SaaS is one of the first clear cases of a third, newer path of broad SaaS innovation — next-generation SaaS (SaaS 2.0) disrupting established previous generations of SaaS (SaaS 1.0).” [Read more here.]

HR 2.0 is the poster child for the next wave of SaaS innovation




Should My Landing Page Be SEO-Focused, Conversion-Focused, or Both?


Rand Fishkin takes on the commonly tough topic of deciphering whether SEO or conversion should be the focus on your landing pages in his recent Whiteboard Friday video. For better or worse, there isn’t one right answer that works across the board for SaaS companies, but his video aims to help you determine the right answer for your business and your landing page. This article also includes the transcript for the video.