All The News That’s Fit To Print
Welcome to the Integrate IQ blog. We share the latest on Integrate IQ, industry news and integration best practices.We recognize functional experts need specialized systems and that often leads to under utilized, siloed data. We’ll explore how sharing data amongst these systems streamline decision-making processes, increase revenue, reduce customer churn, and unlock meaningful insights. If these topics are interesting to you, subscribe to updates and we’ll send you our latest news.
SaaS Stacks By Growth Stage with Expert Tips
In order to grow your SaaS revenue you need to find the best tools to help you scale your resources. Just as you...
Company blog strategy; Optimal contract length; How SaaS sales is changing
This week's roundup includes company blog strategy, optimal contract length, how SaaS sales is changing, and growth...
Customer success emails; B2B content marketing case studies; Social media customer service stats
This week's roundup includes examples of customer success emails in SaaS, common SaaS questions, case study examples...
Effective ways to nurture leads, Apple’s lessons on customer onboarding, & Marketing trumps sales
This week's roundup includes effective ways to nurture leads, learning from Apple's stores about customer onboarding,...
Q4 Priorities for Sales Reps and CEOs; The SaaS Gold Rush; Learning from SaaS Failures
This week's roundup includes top priorities for Q4, understanding the "SaaS Gold Rush", using support to fuel sales,...
Content marketing beyond blog posts, Pricing hacks, and Replatforming
This week's roundup includes the importance of content marketing, other forms of content marketing beyond blog posts,...